Smail tree to 8 m. BARK dark brown. smooth or shallowly cracked. LEAF 7-13x2.5-4.5 cm, narrowly elliptic, tapering at both ends, margin without teeth or glands, ±wavy. Mature leaves leathery, densely covered with minute rusty scales & translucent dots below. ±30 pairs of closely parallel side veins, looped at margin, tertiary veins raised on both sides. Stalks 0.5-0.8 cm, twigs grey, often squarish. FLOWER 0.3-0.4 cm, white, in branched clusters (corymbose panicles), 1.5-4x2-7 cm, appearing terminal but always with a reduced leaf bud at the top. Calyx --tO.l cm, deeply split into spreading lobes, not overlapping. Corolla lobes pointed, with scattered brown glands. Anthers ±2 mm, shortly pointed, style 3.5-4 mm, projecting before bud opens. FRUIT ±0.5 cm, globose, yellow-green ripening pale pink, slightly flattened. NOTE shady or semi-open areas, often on limestone. End Thailande
Arbuste ou arbre persistant (haut : 2-8 m). Feuilles : oblancéolées (long : 90-190 mm, large : 20-50 mm), base obtuse ou cunéiforme, apex acuminé, marges entières, pétiole glabrescent (long : 5-10 mm). Inflorescences : cymes axillaires. Fleurs : sépales ovales (long : 1 mm), pétales ovales et blancs (long : 4 mm). Fruits : drupes globuleuses (diam : 5 mm). Asie (Chine : Yunnan). Forêts, marais. Alt. : 1100-1400 m.